Thursday, October 2, 2008

Remember what I said about no stress?

Dan hurt himself playing basketball last night. We got some x-rays today and it might be broken and might need a screw! Good crap! Surgery isn't allowed! We have no insurance! He has to go to an orthopedic guy on Monday to know more about it I guess. Ug. I feel sick. So helicopter training is on hold, but I'm not sure about the baby...


Mindy said...

I am so sorry! I have been completely stressed out for the last month because our new insurance didn't kick in until October, so all of Sept. I was really praying that nothing would happen to any of us.

I have never used this insurance but my friend posted about it on her blog. It's short term medical insurance for 30-365 days. here's the link:
Good luck!

Christensen family said...

Oh no!!! That's not good.

Michelle said...

Oh my heck! Rachel!?!