Monday, October 6, 2008

All Is Well

So we went to an orthopedic surgeon today and . . . it's just a really really really really bad sprain! Really bad, but it's just a sprain! No surgery! No cast! He does have to wear a boot for who knows how long (thanks for the loan Season). There is a little bone chip in there, so we have to go back in three weeks to see what the deal is after the ligaments heal and the swelling goes down. We think that the bone chip might have been there from long before though. Anyway, things are totally awesome! I was thinking today would be a good day to have the baby, but hmm. No go so far. By the way, if I don't answer the phone, don't assume I'm at the hospital. Or if you do assume, just don't say it on the answering machine. Love ya!


Michelle said...

Hahha! That is hilarious. It was hard with Heber. I was a week late and I was so sick of people checking up on me! Not that I blame them.

There was this girl who would always tell people her due date was 2 weeks later than it was just because of this.

Rachel said...

That's a good idea. Maybe I'll try that next time.

)en said...

Rachel, I am very glad all is well.

As a sidenote: I was watching Little House on the Prairie and i thought, hmm.. who does Nellie remind me of? Who?? And then i thought, oh! RACHEL! And then I remembered that she was one of the weird people/things that people say you look like, like Charlotte the spider. hahahahaaa. Ohh i had a good laugh because i'd completely forgotten.

)en said...

p.s. :) heart ya.

p.p.s. is the reason why you haven't responded to my comment that you're in the hospital right now having a baby? Rachel? Where are you?? RAAACH!

The Bentley Family said...

Rachel: So glad that Dan won't have to have surgery. You on the other hand...let's keep hoping today is the day. Sharon

Rachel said...

Nellie? Which one is she? The bratty blond girl? Oh great.

Please Pass the Green said...

So I'm guessing by the slideshow of hospital and newborn pictures that that's the new baby and not just old pictures of Josie!! I'm trying not to act too excited for you.:) (!!!) You're amazing, Rach!

Please Pass the Green said...

But now I'm doubting myself because I just noticed that that's you commenting right above me. Would you be commenting if you'd just had a baby? I don't know. I've never had a baby. Ha ha! And I like the Nellie comment. That makes me laugh.

)en said...

I swear you said she was one of the people! Ha ha. no??

Rachel said...

haha, No she's a new one. ahha

Dave and Becky said...

Glad to hear Dan won't need surgery. Though it's never a good thing to have a bone chip floating around in there... hmmm. Good luck with everything. Nope, I won't say the baby. :)

)en said...


Wedig it! said...

Rachel!!!? C'mon already!! Castrol?