Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Homemade Jam

I've had bags and bags of delicious berries in the freezer, and I finally did it. I finally made jam. Holy crap, we have a lot of jam. I would say gallons and gallons of strawberry jam, which is good because I won't have to make it again for a while. Well, until I get to the raspberry. I feel very domestic. Yes, yes I do. I even bought some frozen Rhodes bread loafs to bake because I don't want to overdue the domesticity by baking bread just yet. But homemade bread, or Rhodes bread, is definitely needed if you have homemade jam. And it's cheap! And they don't have Granny bread here, so nothing is worth buying. It's all dry and crappy. Storebough jam stinks too! I stole a loaf of Granny bread from my mom's freezer supply that the fam stocks up on every time they go to Utah, but it's gone now. $1 a loaf for Rhodes! I hope it's good. It's %100 whole wheat, so that's a plus. I'm rambling. It's either all or nothing with me I guess.


Sheena Menke said...

I want homemade jam so bad, I need to learn how to make it. Also I want to see some updated pictures of your belly (which I'm sure is disgustingly tiny) and cute Josie. I bet she looks way different from the last pics you posted. So get to it. Thanks!

)en said...

HA! that last line is the best thing in the world.

congrats on the jam. freezer jam is the bom.com

Christensen family said...


Rachel said...

I'm afraid my jam turned out more like jelly, which is very very disappointing. It still tastes good, just no chunks of strawberry deliciousness. It's easy Sheena. You could definitely do it. I just followed the recipe inside the pectin box.

melissa said...

i don't really khow the difference between jelly and jam, but i love homemade ones. i'm very impressed.

also, your generic pictures are cracking me up.

Cami said...

Good job. Way to be Molly Mormon!