Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pictures of Josie, why not

There are many. And they are not in order. :)


Christensen family said...

Oh, she is so cute!!! I want to pinch her cheeks. I think she looks just like you when you were little but she has darker hair.

)en said...

you've got a seriously cute little girl there, rachet. i love the wide-eyed one on the couch and also the pics with her hair in pigtails. aah! too cute. :)

melissa said...

ha, i really like her surprised face.

Dallas and Suzanne Reynolds said...

Josie is just adorable! You guys have got one heart-throb on your hands. And you look great, Rachel! It doesn't even look like you've had a baby! Wow!

Michelle said...

SOOOOO Cuuuute! Thank you for putting all of those pictures up. I love them!

Castiel Moyes said...

Those were SO cute! She is so cute and I can't get over how much she looks like you! You are lucky! I feel sometimes like none of my genes came through on any of my kids and I would like to see myself in SOMEBODY!

megan said...

Adorable! I'm glad she's got big expressive eyes like you. And that m&ms guy.

Rachel said...

Oh thanks. She's the best.

Anonymous said...

Your baby is beautiful!!!

Wedig it! said...

Hi Rachel! You look like you are having so much fun! Josi is so cute and it looks like she is developing at about the same rate as Rockwell. It could be that they are only a few weeks apart! I love it and I love YOU!!

Hannah said...

What a darling little baby!! You have a cute family, Rachel! Where are you guys living now?