Tuesday, November 6, 2007

It's been weeks

I will praise the day when the little black bugs with the red zig zag on their back finally die and stop invading my home. They come through the screens, and then the windows and sometimes fly at my face. Unacceptable. What are those called?


Rachel said...

Box Elder Bugs! Oh how I loathe them!

melissa said...

they're everywhere here. i mean, i'm right next to box elder county after all. i call them firebugs. they swarm. they're dead all over the laundry room floor.

Brooke said...

Yeah, I've been hearing complaints from friends. Luckily, I've not encountered many here. Good luck with yours!

Christensen family said...

Me too, I hate those things!!!!!!

Ju said...

LOL... your house really is the worst for those!! I remember we I lived there, I'd open the door and just run as fast as we could to avoid the flapping in the face... I miss that house.