Thursday, September 17, 2009

Age appropriate

What should I do when I'm mistaken for a 17-year-old? Twice. I'm considering a minivan.


Alanna said...

The only good thing about turning 30 (!!!) has been seeing the shocked looks I get when I announce my age. I think the mini-van does help, though... (Yeah. I am so cool.)

Ashley said...

I would just tell them you are 17. And then that will result in an awkward conversation about teenage pregnancy. That'll teach 'em.

Michelle said...

Wahoo! I can now look at your blog!

Melanie said...

I wish I had that problem.

Lindsay-Lou said...

A minivan would be good, but they're hard to maintain because of how crammed and awkward everything under the hood is. Try a Volvo or something. Maybe a "mom" hairdo? ;) I also like the idea of the teenage pregnancy conversation. Ha!