Wednesday, January 9, 2008

You were right.

Well, I went to a watercolor class this morning. I couldn't decide whether to go or not. It was free, taught by a retired art teacher in our ward, but I thought of a thousand reasons not to go. I didn't have all the supplies... I was tired and wanted to sleep in... Josie would probably be hungry and I would need to feed her... I'd tried watercolor before and stunk...

I went anyway (thank you Dan), and I painted a pear. It's not great, but it's not so bad either. I can see myself improving, which makes me excited to go back next week. By the way, I didn't paint this pear, but I didn't exactly want to scan mine in. Seesh. way too much effort. and so is capitalizing while i'm at it.


melissa said...

good for you. really. i took a pencil drawing class from the idaho falls art council last winter, and although i still draw in stick figures, my stick figures have pizazz. art classes are a good idea.

Michelle said...

Very cool Rach! Keep it up!

Castiel Moyes said...

I kept thinking about going as well but all my kids were home sick! I have no artisitc skills whatsover which is why I wanted to go. I need to talk to you about it and see if anyone brought kids and how that worked.