Alright, so I went to one of those sales parties tonight. My friend Mary was hosting it. I felt a little weird/self-conscious because I just got my hair done (like, it's blond. This feels drastic.) plus I knew about half the people alright, and the other half I'd only seen around or never seen at all. I like to know people. Anyways, I sit by someone I kind-of know in the front row. And there's an empty seat beside me. To set the scene--I feel exposed, people.
So the saleswoman starts with an introduction thing. She wants everyone to say their name and then an adjective to describe Mary that starts with the first letter of their name. (I'm Claire, and Mary is cheerful.) I panic. I've always hated coming up with adjectives that start with R. I use the word always because this has happened to me many times! Why? I think in gradeschool the best I could come up with was Running Rachel. Not Joyful Jennifer, or Happy Hannah, or Lovely Lindsey. (Sidenote: Why does this ever happen in the first place? If you're going to ask me to describe someone, then I will gladly do it to the best of my ability. Why the limitiations of one letter? I cannot be stifled in this way. It is too much.)
So, I was only second in line, but what came out of my mouth....."Raucous." What the heck? Do you know what the definition is? (1)disagreeably harsh or strident. (2)boisterously disorderly. Haha! Mary is neither of these definitions. So then I say, "sort of." Oh man. That fixes everything!?!??! ahaha. I guess I must have been thinking she was boisterous. That's fine. I would feel a little weird if the best someone could come up with was boisterous, but I would not be insulted. (especially taking into account the limitations of one letter). But raucous=insulting. Hopefully no one knew what it meant. Right... ahhaha!
So as I was thinking this over after I got home, I decided to come up with some R adjectives just in case this happens again. It happened in 5th grade. It happened today. I will be prepared for the random day in 20 years... with ... Radiant. (1)radiating rays or reflecting beams of light b : vividly bright and shining : glowing
(2)marked by or expressive of love, confidence, or happiness (a radiant smile). I'm sorry Mary, I didn't mean it!
That is funny. Good luck in twenty years...hope it's something ridiculous you blog about then.
That's pretty good, though I can definitely think of worse R words. Raunchy... rancid... repugnant.
also: i want to see your hair, yeah?
Haha! That made me giggle!! I could only imagine how embarrassed you were. I would also love to see your hair! I bet it is way cute!!!
Haha. I feel like I've had this problem before as well...but I can't remember why or when. Or what I ended up using. Good times though. :)
I love you my friends.
You are so cute! I went to a party like that last month and I didnt even know the host so I had no clue what to say! Ravishing would have been the only thing I could think of with an R...cant wait to see your hair too!
Crystal W.
I think when I had to play that game in middle school ('cuz who ISN'T cool in middle school?) the only thing I could come up with on the spot was "annoying." Yeah, that's a great way to describe oneself. Way to bolster the old self esteem! Why couldn't I have thought of "awesome" or something?
I guess what I'm saying is, I probably would have done the same or else worse. If that makes you feel any better.
Oh Alanna, that is hilarious!
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