I have to post something, right?
A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning. B: Each player answers the questions about themselves. C: At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
10 year ago: I was 14 years old living in Amarillo, Texas, I believe. I was running track, having a grand ole time with my best friend Melissa Wingate. I was a freshman at Amarillo High School.
On my to-do list: Go grocery shopping! We're out of food. I also need to go pick up my ring Dan got me for Valentines Day/Anniversay. It's being sized.
5 places that I've lived: Coyote Bunkhouse, Oregon City, OR
Sunnyside Up, Provo, UT
On the corner, Amarillo, TX
Out in the boonies, Lubbock, TX
Rainbridge Drive, Riverview, FL
Utah County, All Over
5 jobs i have had: Candycane Hooker, Kencraft
Seller of Windshields over the phone, Franklin Auto Glass
Editorial Assistant/Editorial Staff, Cedar Fort Publishing
Video Acquisitions, HBLL LRC, BYU Library
Accouting Assistant/ Secretary, USA Motortoys
What I would do if I became a Billionaire:
Throw away all my clothes and start over. Hire Stacie and Clinton to help me buy a new wardrobe. Buy Dan a helicopter. Buy a house. Go to Ruthie's wedding. Among other things.
Bad Habits:
Not cleaning my house ahah.
Things I really enjoy:
Eating really good food. Getting a good night's rest. Reading a good book for a portion of my day because there's something even more fun to do for the rest of it! Hanging out with Dan.
Things people don't know about me:
I'm pregnant! haha. Just kidding.
Now I get to pick five people: Megan Stratton, Brooke ha!, Casey Christensen, Ashley Banks, Michelle, and one more for good measure . . . Ruthie!
A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning. B: Each player answers the questions about themselves. C: At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
10 year ago: I was 14 years old living in Amarillo, Texas, I believe. I was running track, having a grand ole time with my best friend Melissa Wingate. I was a freshman at Amarillo High School.
On my to-do list: Go grocery shopping! We're out of food. I also need to go pick up my ring Dan got me for Valentines Day/Anniversay. It's being sized.
5 places that I've lived: Coyote Bunkhouse, Oregon City, OR
Sunnyside Up, Provo, UT
On the corner, Amarillo, TX
Out in the boonies, Lubbock, TX
Rainbridge Drive, Riverview, FL
Utah County, All Over
5 jobs i have had: Candycane Hooker, Kencraft
Seller of Windshields over the phone, Franklin Auto Glass
Editorial Assistant/Editorial Staff, Cedar Fort Publishing
Video Acquisitions, HBLL LRC, BYU Library
Accouting Assistant/ Secretary, USA Motortoys
What I would do if I became a Billionaire:
Throw away all my clothes and start over. Hire Stacie and Clinton to help me buy a new wardrobe. Buy Dan a helicopter. Buy a house. Go to Ruthie's wedding. Among other things.
Bad Habits:
Not cleaning my house ahah.
Things I really enjoy:
Eating really good food. Getting a good night's rest. Reading a good book for a portion of my day because there's something even more fun to do for the rest of it! Hanging out with Dan.
Things people don't know about me:
I'm pregnant! haha. Just kidding.
Now I get to pick five people: Megan Stratton, Brooke ha!, Casey Christensen, Ashley Banks, Michelle, and one more for good measure . . . Ruthie!